
Interview tips.

Before the interview.

  • Conduct thorough research on the company: Familiarise yourself with their values, products, and recent developments (Google can be a helpful resource!)
  • Practice answering common questions: Equip yourself to articulate your skills and experiences effectively.
  • Dress in a polished manner: First impressions carry weight, so ensure your attire is suitable for the position.
  • Arrive punctually: Timeliness demonstrates reliability and respect.
  • Pay attention to your body language: Sustain eye contact and maintain good posture to convey confidence.

During the interview.

  • Ask questions: Show interest in the role and company culture.
  • Prepare examples: Have specific examples ready to showcase your achievements.
  • Stay positive: Even if faced with challenging questions, maintain a positive attitude.
  • Reach out to your recruiter after to give your feedback and thoughts on the role & the company
Contact us for more tips & advice

After the Interview.

  • Reach out to your recruiter, let them know your thoughts, be honest, if its not the right role for you let them know why.
  • Reflect on the interview: Consider what went well and areas for improvement. Reflecting on your performance can help you learn and grow for future interviews.
  • Follow up on any commitments: If you promised to provide additional information or complete a task, ensure you follow through promptly.
  • Stay engaged: Keep an eye on your email for any follow-up communication from the interviewer or hiring manager. Respond promptly and professionally.
  • Network: Connect with the interviewer or others you met during the interview on professional networking platforms like LinkedIn. Building relationships can be beneficial for future opportunities.
  • Stay positive: Regardless of the outcome, maintain a positive attitude. Rejection is a natural part of the job search process, and staying optimistic will help you persevere.
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